Absence & Late-coming Procedures

Attendance Procedures

There are very strong links between achievement and attendance at school. On  a school day pupils should be in school unless they are unwell or there is an unavoidable reason for absence.

Please keep us informed.

Request for Leave of Absence

To request a leave of absence for your child please print and complete the Leave of Absence Request Form below, or a request and complete a Leave of Absence Request Form from the School Office.

Leave of Absence (Whole School).pdf

Sickness or Unplanned Absences

If your child is sick or you have an unexpected absence, please contact the school office as soon as possible on 01688 302062 or email: tobermoryhigh-enquiries@argyll-bute.gov.uk with the reason for absence.

Unreported Absences

All unreported absences will be marked on your child's record as TBC and a text message will be sent to ask for confirmation of absence and reason.  Parents will be required to reply to the SMS text with a reason, call the school office or send a note in with your child on the first day back after absence.

Late-coming Procedures

Late-comings will be monitored weekly by Heads of House  and they will make contact with parents should patterns or concerns arise. 

Persistent late-coming will be escalated to a meeting in School to discuss steps that can be taken to best to improve your child's attendance.

Respect, Resilience, Confidence, Collaboration and Creativity