Tobermory High School
Àrd-sgoil Thobar Mhoire
Welcome! Fàilte
Tobermory High School is a unique 2-18 island school set in one of the most stunning Scottish settings. The Early Learning Centre serves the communities of Dervaig and Tobermory; the primary department serves the community of Tobermory and the secondary department has a catchment area which includes most of the Isle of Mull. Also, we have young people from the Ardnamurchan peninsula who attend by placing request.
We pride ourselves on being an innovative learning community, we are relentless in our drive for quality learning and teaching to ensure high levels of progression for every student. We nurture a positive learning relationship between staff and student which is key to success in our school.
With high aspirations for each individual, whatever their specific talent or ability, our work as a school encourages and inspires our pupils in their journey to become strong independent lifelong learners who demonstrate our core values of:
Respect, Resilience, Confidence, Creativity, Collaboration.
Our determination to develop independent learners who each have a deep understanding of how they learn best and work cooperatively with their teachers has been recognised on an international level and we have been described as,
“A Scottish island school where pupils have the chance to plan their own lessons with teachers.” TES, October 2015
Mrs Shelley Carmichael
Head Teacher
Respect, Resilience, Confidence, Collaboration and Creativity